Hello, I am Anina, Founder & Consultant of the High Class Woman. Upshot Dating™ is my Signature System, and I am very proud of it. :)


In this article I will address the three most common misconceptions around my Upshot-Dating™ System. 


Upshot Dating™ is NOT sleeping around. Upshot Dating™ is NOT playing games. Upshot Dating™ is in fact modern and feminist.


Find the main article What Upshot Dating™ is here. 

1.) Upshot Dating™ does NOT imply a woman is just sleeping around. 


Since Upshot-Dating ™ can, but does not necessarily have to mean, dating more than one man (this depends on your individual situation), sleeping around is the most common misconception many people leap to. Which could not be any more wrong. 


I actually encourage my private consultation clients for various reasons, to NOT be physically intimate in early dating. But instead, focus on getting to know several men at the same time (without sleeping with them) to see who is their fit, and can give them the relationship (Upshot) they are looking for. 


This way to date is very efficient and self valuing. You are not entering into a committed relationship like a boyfriend girlfriend situation and instead you keep your options open. And since you are not physically intimate, you won’t get attached (oxytocin) believing this early getting to know each other, means more than it actually does. 


Set up like this you are free, unattached and empowered to let the best man win you. You will be exclusive, committed and physically intimate with the man who is able to give you the relationship and commitment you are looking for. And which was defined as your Upshot when you decided to start dating according to my system. 


It goes without saying that Upshot-Dating ™ is highly compatible with Feminism. I do not know any other way to date that values and empowers a woman more than my system does. 


I also want to mention here that I have no judgement for women sleeping with a man early on in dating or for having casual s**. That is not my place to judge.


And you will notice the same, also in my other programs, on nutrition, exercise, your individual style and way to dress, that I am the very last person to tell another woman, what she should and should not do with her OWN (!) body. 


There is enough of that nonsense out there, telling women what they are supposed to do and I do not intend to add to it. 


My mission at the High Class Woman Brand and Consulting Service is to empower women to make their own informed choices. I always walk my clients through this process so they can practise how to consciously choose for themselves. 


My general recommendation for women however is, to not get physically intimate early on in dating, and not before they have the commitment they are looking for, simply and that is based on my experience, because it doesn't work in a woman’s favour. 


While you might enjoy it as long as it lasts, most women change after they have been physically intimate. It will cloud your judgement and makes you overlook a man's shortcoming, possible character flaws or incompatibilities.


Which is a good thing once you are married and your husband does little silly things. This type of leniency however, does not work in your favour in early dating, when you are supposed to vet a man and see if he is right for you. 


You will also be more emotionally attached, feel anxious and will expect certain things from him (calling you regularly, be there for you as if you were in a relationship already). All this puts you in a very disadvantaged position and you can easily slip into chasing men. 


As you can see I am not coming from a place of judging you, or trying to restrict you in your freedom. As your consultant, I like to help you become your best friend and ally in dating. So that you learn to value your heart and body. 


2.) Upshot Dating™ is NOT playing games or taking advantage of men. 


There is nothing unethical about dating this way !


Show me what is wrong with a woman who says:


“I know what I am looking for in Love and for my Life.”


In other words I have defined my Upshot. Example: I am looking for marriage, I want a beautiful ring, a proposal, I want children, … whatever it is, that YOU want! This is very individual. 


Then she continues to say: 


“I value my time and yours too. It doesn't make sense for me to get into a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship for maybe even years (possibly my childbearing years) to find out if this is going anywhere. And in case it won’t, I will never get these years back and I have closed down my options and could not find the right man who wants what I want.” 


“I value my heart and I put myself first in dating.” 


“I need to first get to know a man and see if we are compatible to build the life we want together.”


“I also value my body and being physically intimate means a lot to me. It is meant for someone special.”


All of the above is how my private consultation clients present in dating. 


Again show me what is wrong and unethical, let alone playing games about that? 


I think it is safe to say that actually every woman should be Upshot-Dating ™ and men should actively encourage their sisters and daughters to do so. 


The only party I can see not approving of this system, is a man who wants to take up your time, is not ready to commit to you, nor set you free (how unfair) so you can find a man who is. 


Or a man who likes the things a wife would give, without having to be your husband. These are the only men who I can see, will not approve of this clear, honest, and very high class way to date. 


No loss and defo no love lost there. 


3.) People often falsely assume Upshot Dating™ is not modern. 


That depends on your definition of the word “modern”.  


If modern means a woman sleeping with a man on the first date because he bought her a drink and probably never heard from him again after. Which to me is just sad, then no, my Upshot-Dating™ is not that kind of modem. 


Or if modern means that after a few dates, you close down your options, are in a relationship, play house or wife, but then it takes years till things progress, to a proposal, or family and shared future plans, then again, no thank G-d, Upshot-Dating™ is not this kind of modern. 


In fact Upshot-Dating™ is the solution to all these modern problems and how this type of modern mindset messes with women’s hearts and psychology. 


Read here: what is the girlfriend trap and what is test-wifing™


If modern means, what it means to me. That you are a modern woman, ~ a MODERN QUEEN. 


Who is deeply connected to herself, values herself, always has her back, puts her heart first in dating, knows what she wants and communicates it clearly and gracefully. 


A woman who does to waste her body and heart on random men and makes informed conscious choices to purposefully create her dream life. 


If that type of modern woman is modern to you, then Upshot-Dating™ is modern too. :) 

