Client Case Study ~ from conventional dating to Upshot-Dating™, Lilly’s Success Story.




My lovely client Lilly is such a good example to show how Upshot-Dating™, my Signature System, is the solution for women who are stuck in Conventional Western Dating. 


“Stuck in Conventional Western Dating” means anything where you as the woman are all the way into the relationship, sometimes for years without the commitment (a ring, a wedding) or the life (children, a shared home, future plans) you really desire or wait for. 


At some point you break up, recover for several months, go back into dating and then start the same type of relationship all over again with a different man. 


This way to date, in my opinion, costs women precious childbearing years of their lives, not to mention what this does to your heart and self worth.


Lilly went through this cycle several times, till she found me and started Upshot-Dating™, which changed her life.


Here is Lilly’s story, in her own words.

1.) What does your life look like today, Lilly? 


I am very happy and it is exactly what I always wanted. Besides a job I like, I have found my husband, we have a happy home and family life. A 2 year old daughter and another baby on the way. My husband takes good care of us, so I do not need to work to provide, only as much as I want to and enjoy. This gives me the stability and the space to be the happy relaxed Mama I always wanted to be. I feel very blessed and I thank my stars and specifically YOU Anina every day. 


2.) What was your situation when you became my client? 


I was 36, and had just broken up with my boyfriend of 3 years. I realised, if I still wanted children, something needed to happen. I slowly started losing hope. This was not what I had wanted my life to look like at this age. I always wanted children, you can say I am the family and marrying kind. But I just could not find a man who wanted the same. I felt very depressed, because I could see that my relationships always followed the same pattern. I was fully committed and in love and I thought that after a few years we would be finally ready to take it to the next level and start a family. With each breakup, this dream seemed to be more unrealistic and I got more hopeless. 


3.) What made you decide to take the final step and become my client?


I felt I could not do this anymore, I knew I could not go through another relationship that would lead nowhere and end in a devastating break up. Because with every relationship and every break up I felt I had given and then lost another piece of myself. I could feel soon there will be nothing left to give. 

I also realise that at 36 I did not have the time to give things a chance anymore, if I still wanted children. So it became clear to me I needed advice. 

When I spoke to you I felt understood and safe, that I became a client right away. There was something about you that made you stand out, you were non judgmental, did not put me in a box or made me feel like a difficult case. You were kind and embodied all the things I wanted.  


4.) What was working with me like as a private consultation client? 


Working with you was the highlight of the week for me. I was in a real low and your energy was so uplifting, contagious and made me so hopeful. I always felt that I could tell you anything and I am still amazed at how well you just get me, and people in general. You really have a gift, Anina. I especially appreciate how everything you were teaching me was geared towards me being independent, feeling empowered and finding myself. You never give one fits all solutions you really tune into the clients you consult. 


5.) What would you want the women reading this to know? 


Know your worth ladies! And listen to Anina! :) I am a modern educated, strong and independent woman. Everything in my life was great. My career, my health, my house. I was financially stable and could travel, afford nice things etc.. But I was never taught how to date like a woman who is the precious price men want to commit to, settle down with and start a family. 

Anina has created an extraordinary dating system  and gives you the missing pieces that we so desperately need to create the romantic life of our dreams.


Lilly, 41 years, Canada 


I loved consultations with Lilly too and I am so happy to see her enjoying the life she so consciously created. Lilly is the perfect example on how you can completely turn around your dating and love life regardless of your past.  


*The interview was translated from French to English. Lilly is a Native French speaker, so we spoke French during our sessions. 


Find further reading on this topic here: What is Upshot Dating™ 

My own story of how I met and married my husband within 9 months. 


Lots of Love, Anina 💋