The three levels of investment you can make into your own High Class Woman Journey.

What is the Bronze (*free*), Silver and Gold Level? 

The High-Class Woman consulting service covers 7 areas and is divided into 3 Levels of investment.


The 7 Areas of Consultancy are: Lucky in Love, Success at Work, Strong Mind, Peaceful Heart, Dream Body, Individual Style, Happy Family.


The 3 Levels of Investment are: Bronze (*free*), Silver and Gold. This article explains the 3 levels of investment in detail. 


When embarking on your High-Class Woman Journey, I recommend choosing 1-2 max. 3 of the 7 topics to focus on next. While they are all fun and exciting and help you create your individual version of high-class dream life, it is important to define priorities so you can see results quickly.


With your pick of 1-2 max. 3 areas in place, understanding the 3 Levels of investment Bronze (*free*), Silver and Gold, will help you make an informed choice so you can make the best decision of how you want to invest into yourself and your own life. 


In the following I will help you decide on your Level of investment by defining Bronze, Silver and Gold for you.


My lovely level #1 the Bronze Level (*free*). 


This level consists of the advice provided through the Blog and the Email list. Even though free, in the sense that there is no monetary investment required on your side, it works like a charm, if you commit to it and invest your time and accountability. 


The actual value of the Bronze level content is higher than many paid programs available for purchase out there. 


Women who have invested in the Silver and/or Gold levels still use the content on the Blog and like to use the Email as a guide through it. 


I have seen numerous cases of women who have put in the work and made magic happen with the Bronze Level (*free*) content alone. 


The Silver Level ~ is the self-study level.


Here is where you study in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. Which is something I love to do. 


The Silver Level is designed to be your level up from Bronze, but is equally used and shopped for by my Gold Level Clients. 


It caters to all your needs; the need for a next level after Bronze, and the additional support to speed up the Gold Level. 


But of course Silver can also stand solely as a self-study. 

I am a big fan of self study and I am proud to see what is possible to achieve through the programs in my Boutique. These programs are made to change lives and do so constantly. 


Head over to Testimonials, as a good chunk of these success stories were due to self-study on Silver Level alone. 


How do you know you are ready for the Gold Level?  


Of course you are always welcome, some women go to consultation directly after finding me. But I would definitely say, if you feel you are not advancing fast enough on your own, then consult with an expert. Life is too short to struggle. 


Some things can be done and answered in self-study on your own and some need a real human one-on-one contact and deep dive into your individual situation that goes beyond the broadness of public or group content. 


See this as allowing yourself to be supported like a Queen, as opposed to feeling like a failure because you want more support. 


Edit: Platinum Level is in person meetings and can be arranged on a case to case basis. 


Why did I create the 3 Levels this way?


The High-Class Woman is an absolutely authentic way of expressing myself, the 3 Levels are a reflection of how I like to study and always have studied with the most success. 


I study successfully and see results from free content. ~ Bronze Level


The reason free content works for me, is because I treat any content I choose to spend my time on, the same way, as something I paid for. Even if I did not pay money, I am still paying with my time and the positive or negative impact the content will have on me. I remind myself to only engage with things that are helpful. When I find something helpful, I take notes and see how I can apply the things I learned in my day to day life. 


I study best and very fast on my own and in my own time. ~ Silver Level.


I am intrinsically motivated, curious, inquisitive and a total fit for homeschool / self study. I learn extremely fast and at this point in my life you would not get me back to spend my time commuting to or interacting with a class. What I prefer to do instead, has gotten me outstanding success and made me a high-achiever in anything I decide to do. I am aware this is controversial, but the results speak for it. 


What I do like, is one-on-one meetings with experts ~ Gold Level.


This is to address specific situations and answer questions I was not able to solve or answer within a certain amount of time. I try independently for a while, and as soon as I feel stuck, I consult an expert. I believe this is the smartest way and perfect balance between using your brain, being strong and independent, creative and still not wasting time in limbo. 


Not to mention the feeling of ease and absence of struggle expert support gives you. Gold is how I moved from “I can do it all alone to being supported like a Queen''. 


Through the authentic and aligned way the levels are created, it automatically connects me to the right clientele. Women who are like me, who work well on their own and who value themselves enough to invest in Consulting, shop in the High-Class Boutique and put in the work and who make use of the Blog

💋 Anina